The veil is torn, God is on the move, and revival is here! But there has never been a revival in history that wasn’t preceded by prayer & intercession. Intercession is not trying to get God’s attention or affection, we already have that! We know that two thirds of the Trinity are constantly making intercession for us and showing us how to pray!
Prayer and intercession changes things, but first it changes us! A transformed heart is the only way to transform a city and a culture! Prayer is allowing our lives to become letters of love to our dear Father. It is holding hands with the One we bear the image of. It is walking with God, like Enoch. It is abiding in the recreated garden with our Savior. It is partaking of the culture of Heaven through the finished works of Jesus Christ! There is nothing more exciting, exhilarating, life-giving, and transforming than intercession with Jesus!